奥卡拉光纤网络 customer reference page header


A vision to deliver broadband services created cost savings and provided vital connectivity to education and healthcare customers during a crisis.

  • País: Estados Unidos da América
  • Setor: Energia e serviços públicos
  • 解决方案:数据中心, 不利的环境, 数字时代网络, 数字时代网络, 不利的环境

奥卡拉光纤网络 in Florida evolved from the City of Ocala electric utility two decades ago. Its purpose: deliver a range of broadband Internet services based on the build-out of a 100 percent fiber network for city agencies as well as citizens. The network was modernized with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switches to deliver higher speeds with better network management and performance. And through a global health crisis, OFN proved its value to its customers.

Os switches OmniSwitch formam a parte do cérebro que nos faz trabalhar. Todos os nossos switches ALE são vitais em todas as conexões e na entrega de serviços em nossa rede. A ALE oferece um grande equipamento. Meus engenheiros dizem que gostam da simplicidade e, o mais importante, do suporte que recebem.
Mel Poole, Diretor da 奥卡拉光纤网络



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