
Damien Delard

Top 5 challenges in the shift from a legacy economy to a subscription economy

Embarking on a digital growth strategy is a high priority for many companies, especially traditional companies that are seeing their businesses challenged by eroding markets and margins. The importance of having a strategy is essential for their survival. Following is an overview of the top 5 common challenges faced by many companies as they transform their businesses.

1. 转变商业模式

We are familiar with the legacy economy that has been in place for decades w在这里 the flow goes from product definition, 到市场调研, 销售, 到渠道,最终到客户. T在这里 are all executed with one objective in mind — sell the product and complete the “asset transfer”.

在新经济中, 订阅者是商业模式的中心, 创造向新业务参数的转变. 这些包括:






所有权观念正在转变. 变化正在加速. Every day new companies and new entrepreneurs offer new subscription services, 影响顾客对新的直觉价值主张的看法.

2. 改变营销策略

When the product becomes the subscription we can no longer look at marketing in the traditional way. The 4P’s of marketing (price, product, promotion, and place) need to evolve. 传统营销支出(用于印刷广告), 活动, 广告牌, 和电视)不再有效. “口口相传”至关重要. 顾客需要被反复的体验和服务所吸引. 讲故事变得越来越重要, 还有“谁”, 如何, 以及为什么需要清楚地传达关于服务的信息.

When customers subscribe, it provides access to a huge amount of data. 如果你管理新的信息, 数据分析, 和客户知识有效地创建一个仪表板, it can add tremendous value to your business and help to further define the subscription offering.

3. 创新带来无尽的改进

Ongoing innovation is a great concept and the subscription economy is ideally suited for it. Innovations can be launched and tested quickly, compared to traditional, longer term market research. Businesses can adapt, learn, and optimize based on customer feedback and collected data. The critical part is having agility and making an effort to talk and listen to customers and then apply the 数据分析 to your core business.

Collaboration with customers and being able to respond quickly to change become critical in an agile service development model.

4. 改变销售行为

One of the biggest challenges is shifting from an asset transfer model, 建立长期关系销售模式. Sharing what other customers are doing is key to this new sales approach. Selling a service can help with your company’s growth as sales are coupled with a growing subscriber base. 适应性定价策略可以帮助优化收益. 对于新的销售模式,三个销售要求是必不可少的:


• Increase the customer value (through upselling and cross-selling)


5. 新的“即服务”损益表

A new subscription economy income statement needs to be created and monitored. 传统的销售净额、销货成本、收入、利润&D, S&M成本,净收入,不再适用于商业模式. New financial indicators are required to make sense of this new economy and monitor appropriate finance KPIs. 指标可以包括:





Finance teams must make significant changes to current models and make the right decisions to adapt and succeed in the new economy.


Key recommendations to grow business in the new subscription economy

• Most manufacturers don’t own their customer relationship, the channel does. 客户关系的所有权是至关重要的.

• Create a tracking system, analyze subscription behaviors, usage, and subscriber interest. 倾听和学习,然后根据数据调整服务. 在订阅经济中,数据是新的“黄金”。.

• When Software as a Service (SaaS) initiatives start with high revenue product, many companies let their people sell both legacy product and lower subscription offerings, 导致大多数情况下, 新生订阅的消亡. Subscription successes often begin with a small focused sales team.

•价格较低的基本计划或免费增值计划非常重要. 然而, if a large percentage of customers (>60%) are in this stage, 即使他们对服务很满意, 这可能是一把双刃剑,会损害公司的财务状况. 在理想的世界里, the goal would be to move customers to the mid and higher level subscription services. Of course you would have to create a sales pitch to encourage customers to willingly move to the next level of services.

•渠道是成功的关键, 除了在教育上投入的时间和资源, 研讨会, 和白皮书, businesses must shift the channel behavior from “transaction based customers” to “managing customer relationships”. This would include clear communications about 如何 subscription models can benefit their company.

•最后但并非最不重要的, a subscription culture creates a customer-centric culture that promotes customer input and feedback, 并推动服务的发展.

In 2019 阿尔卡特朗讯企业 celebrates its 100-year anniversary with a proud history of transformation. 为了保持这个传统, digital subscription transformation is well on its way and ALE is eager to involve customers, 合作伙伴, 以及新订阅经济的生态系统提供商.

Discover more about these opportunities with Alcatel-Lucent 彩虹™, 按需网络, 以及其他现收现付服务 omllxk.smashmello.com/en

Damien Delard

Damien Delard

亚太区渠道副总裁兼销售主管, 东南亚, 香港, 台湾, 日本, 阿尔卡特朗讯企业

担任亚太区渠道副总裁和东南亚地区销售主管 & 恩颐投资, Damien Delard’s mission is to transform the way 阿尔卡特朗讯企业 collaborates with 合作伙伴 and help enterprises to plan their digital transformation.

过去在ALE担任的职务包括SMB业务部门的全球主管, 东南亚地区总经理, 亚太区运营副总裁, 东北亚渠道管理, Singapore Direct Sales Manager and regional network design consultant.  Prior to joining ALE, he held positions as a network consultant and systems engineer.

Damien holds an MBA from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) as well as a MSc in Electrical Engineering from the National Institute of Applied Science of Lyon (INSA Lyon), 法国.





Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

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现代化的校园网有助于简化运营, 降低成本, 并为工作和学习提供了一个安全和关怀的地方.

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Educational institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.
