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Digital 热情好客 solutions are key to minimize face-to-face contact to deliver back-of-house services.

Welcome back to the final installment of our blog series focused on the 热情好客 2020年及以后的火狐体育手机.

在之前的博客中我们讨论过 how to deal with guest-facing services in the new post-pandemic reality. Now it’s time to deal with the back-of-house (BOH) operations including: administration, 金融, 市场营销, 和家政. The question is: How do we minimize face-to-face interactions between staff while keeping hotel operations running at the highest standard?

因为远程办公通常不适合酒店员工, the alternative is to equip the staff within the hotel  with mobile devices and cloud-based applications, while at the same time enabling teleworking for those administrative employees who are able to work from home.

IDC is conducting a series of European IT Buyers Surveys to poll organizations about their digital investment plans, 考虑到大流行病的影响. While cloud spending has shown strong growth compared to traditional software technologies over the last few years, 30% of the respondents think that they will see an even higher transformation to cloud due to the pandemic. 和, 与其他数字化转型趋势一致, 卫生危机正在加强云的战略作用.


The 酒店火狐体育手机 is no stranger to the shift to the cloud but its adoption has been slow until now. 与其他企业类似, some hotel systems must be always on to meet specific business needs, 即使在完全停工的情况下, 比如最近的强制居家令. This unprecedented situation has revealed just how difficult and complex it is to provide remote access and to keep many of the existing processes running.

Cloud benefits are twofold: It offers a solution for business continuity and cost containment in exceptional situations, 也, it can help  optimize operations and enable the introduction of new applications, 没有财务风险. These factors should make cloud-based management solutions particularly advantageous for hotel operations. In fact, most PMS, CRM and business intelligence applications have cloud versions which 可以随时随地访问吗, require no on-site hardware and maintenance and are based on flexible Software as a Service (SaaS) subscription models. In the event of a partial or total hotel closure remote workers would be able to access operations that must be active at all times while the rest of the services could be reduced to a minimum or even stopped.

充分利用云创新, hotels need to provide the staff with mobile devices and mobile versions of applications. The team manager can then manage the housekeeping staff remotely and staff will have up-to-date information on the progress of tasks, 以及新请求的即时通知, 任何时候, 在房子的任何地方. 添加实时通道,如聊天, audio and video to the applications can increase staff efficiency by enabling direct communications between staff members, 以及员工和客人之间的关系. Personal contact will be reduced to a minimum while efficiency is maximized.


酒店网络必须能够提供高水平的移动性, quality of service (QoS) and security for hotel operations to run smoothly and seamlessly around the clock.

阿尔卡特朗讯企业 数字时代网络 提供了可靠的, secure and versatile infrastructure with superior performance to support work from anyw在这里. 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniSwitch®  家庭和 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess®恒星无线局域网 网络组合提供最先进的容量, security and reliability to deliver low-delay and high-bandwidth mobile applications for staff.

ALE also provides cloud-based services in a subscription model to help advance the wave of cloud adoption and innovation. 与 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniVista卷云网络管理即服务, ALE网管系统的云版本, 客户可以远程管理他们的网络, even if it is fully distributed across multiple locations as is frequently the case for hotel chains and resorts. ALE网络组合中的其他创新解决方案,例如 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess恒星定位服务(LBS) 以及阿尔卡特朗讯全接入恒星资产跟踪系统, are native cloud-based applications available in a subscription model.

除了网络解决方案, the ALE Cloud and Communications Business Division is strongly committed to cloud transformation.  具有阿尔卡特朗讯提供的集成能力  彩虹通信平台即服务(CPaaS) our customers can enrich their mobile applications with real-time communication channels. Or they can go one step further to streamline and optimize their digital business processes with customized services using 彩虹工作流.

ALE networking provides an optimal foundation to deploy new services and enable digital business processes. 与 a solid strategy based on technological innovation and extensive experience ALE is helping 酒店火狐体育手机 在这个充满挑战的时代,顾客至上.

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安娜马塔 joined 阿尔卡特朗讯企业 in 2008 and has developed several roles in the company since then.

她目前是网络解决方案的全球业务线经理, focused on the sales enablement and evolution of different network product lines, 包括无线局域网, SASE和SD-WAN以及基于云的网络管理.

Ana has previous experience in the Government and 热情好客 industries, 支持ALE的垂直转型.

She holds a degree in Mathematics BSc from the Complutense University of Madrid, followed by a postgraduate master from the Department of Statistics and Operations Research.





Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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现代化的校园网有助于简化运营, 降低成本, 并为工作和学习提供了一个安全和关怀的地方.

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

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Educational institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.
