



It is impossible to provide healthcare today without technology being involved. Technology affects everything - from how doctors interact with patients, 医疗数据的访问和使用方式, 机器人在外科手术中的作用. 最新的技术——比如可穿戴设备, smart connected implants and the Internet of Things (IoT) – is making its way into hospitals, 还有诊所和养老院. 

Healthcare has entered a new era where it is driven by a digital transformation and a range of advances. 通过部署先进技术, your healthcare network is better able to support the delivery of care for patients, 让他们更安全, provide better engagement with patients which ultimately can lead to improved health outcomes. 

The first step is to reduce the numerous disparate networks that are deployed in various parts of your healthcare facilities by deploying a single network infrastructure for all IT and communication systems, 分割成多个, secure, 虚拟网络. This will improve the use of resources while optimizing processes to enable the best quality of care, 同时降低成本,提高工作流程效率. 


这种单一网络方法可以提供始终在线的功能, high-performing wired and wireless connectivity experience for clinicians, 病人和访客. 

新技术带来了挑战和机遇. 在过去的几年里,与之相关的变化在加速 mobility 和的用法 cloud,新事物的爆炸 “事情”(物联网) 这可以通过互联网来控制, 有了它, an increase in cybercrime that takes advantage of these new technologies.

Mobility and cloud access - Wireless access to data and information maintained in the cloud on a mobile device is a game changer in healthcare, 增加患者数据的可用性, 临床医生和行政部门都一样. 例如:

•80%的医生现在使用智能手机和医疗应用程序, 72% use them to access drug info; 65% of all interactions with health care facilities occur via mobile devices1
•使用云中的电子病历, care givers and patients can access test results and other information 24/7 
•在医院, 新技术现在是“移动优先”,“需要非常有弹性, 低延时, 高带宽网络,连接性更好
• 82% of healthcare professions said their network Wi-Fi is business critical, 但54%的人认为Wi-Fi覆盖是一个挑战, and 65% believe there are areas of poor coverage within their hospital2


Internet of Things (IoT) - Healthcare facilities are increasingly taking advantage of connected devices to improve outcomes and patient engagements. These IoT systems range from connected medical devices such as MRI and CT scanners, 可穿戴医疗设备和远程病人监护仪, to video security cameras and electronic ID-enabled security doors. 

Cybercrime - Hacking into data networks is a major concern for healthcare organizations: Life sciences and healthcare organizations experience 340 percent more security incidents than the average industry.3  One of greatest threats is ransomware: The massive Wannacry cyberattack infiltrated hospital networks across Europe and North America in 2017, 并在英国的16家NHS医院停工数天.4

To learn more about the 4 major digital challenges for the Healthcare industry, 下载信息图表.

医疗物联网系统特别容易受到黑客攻击, as the proliferation of sensors and connected devices greatly expands the network attack surface. IoT for healthcare is especially susceptible because many IoT devices are manufactured without security in mind, or built by companies that don’t understand network security requirements. 因此, 物联网系统日益成为医院的薄弱环节, 诊所和护理机构的网络安全. 


数字化转型有可能重新定义人们如何, technology and devices interact and connect with each other in healthcare environments. By bringing together the major technical and business trends of mobility, 自动化和数据分析, 数字化转型可以:

• Enable a superior healing experience for patients, improving care and outcomes
• Help clinical and administrative staff deliver safer, timely, and higher quality care.
• Support new care approaches and solutions to make care delivery less expensive, 更高效的, 更安全,更容易访问, 实现优化的护理路径. 

Digital transformation and innovation - To attain the medical and business advantages that powerful technology can provide, 今天的医院, clinics and medical facilities must integrate digital innovations in mobility, 数据分析, 云计算和物联网融入现有医疗, 商业及电脑系统. 这个过程, 称为数字化转型, 提供许多好处, enabling healthcare organizations to create 更高效的 processes, 提供差异化服务, 提供更好的护理, 增加收入,降低成本. 
The network infrastructure of healthcare organizations is the foundation for digital transformation, 因为健壮的, secure and resilient connectivity is the vital component for optimizing the care pathway across the healthcare ecosystem. 网络为传递数据奠定了基础, 通信, 应用程序, mobility and IoT connectivity that can ultimately drive outstanding patient care and improve outcomes.

A high-performing converged network is the foundation for delivering data, 通信, 应用程序, 移动性和物联网连接,推动改进的信息, 数据流和流程, 明天的诊所, 医院和保健设施.

的医疗保健基础设施 啤酒的解决方案 技术有助于为患者提供优化的护理途径, 临床医生或行政人员. Its single network infrastructure approach delivers reduced IT operating expenses, 更快速的部署时间和增加的投资保护.

ALE network and communication products and technologies for healthcare provide solutions that are reliable, secure, 高性能和弹性, allowing care providers to focus on what matters most—their patients. 

To learn more about addressing the technology challenges facing your healthcare organization, 下载免费论文:





在妮可的领导下, ALE has been acknowledged as a trusted vendor by numerous healthcare providers, 全球范围内. 旗舰医院 & 医院集群,以及远程医院 & 养老院已经成功地管理了他们的沟通 & 网络转换, enabling an optimized care pathway for the patient as well as improving care delivery, 取得有影响力的成果, 像可访问性, 高效率及优质护理, 减少不良事件.

妮可是一位经验丰富的跨文化法国人 & 医疗保健IT火狐体育手机的领导者. 加入ALE以来, 在她担任现职之前, 妮可举办过各种销售活动, 销售的领导, 在阿尔卡特朗讯担任业务发展和管理职位, IBM, 在制药火狐体育手机也是如此.

她还承诺要“回馈社会”。, 当她指导年轻人进入大学时, 商学院或找工作. 妮可拥有法国商学院工商管理硕士学位, ESSEC; she also received executive training at Insead.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) 应用程序.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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A modern, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

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