Tipsheet: Achieving Success When Transitioning to the 下一个伟大的企业通信创新

September 14, 2017

In our blog here, we've been exploring the evolution of enterprise communications and the trends that have influenced change throughout the years.

Sadly, our time on this blog series is now coming to a close as we round out the series with a look at what it takes to have a successful transition when implementing new enterprise communications technologies.

The time we spent working with independent market research firm Wainhouse Research this year to gain a deeper understanding of market trends has helped us perfect our 阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™ cloud-based relationship management platform and we’re happy to share some of that insight here.

Though there has been rapid innovation throughout the 企业通信的历史, 尤其是在过去的十年里, a report from Wainhouse found that “most organizations find themselves somewhere between the legacy world of on-premises, 竖井式通信, and unified, 云计算服务.”

For enterprises hoping to make the transition to the next great technology, we’ve learned from examples of the early adopters and have compiled this list of tips for a successful transition.

•参与业务. 首先也是最重要的, you’ll need to engage with the executives and may also want to engage the user community, which can reduce support costs and increase user adoption. However, you’ll want to find a balance between too little or too much involvement in order to limit debates and delays.


•统一用户体验. Unifying 竖井式通信 and reducing the friction between services ultimately drives more utilization from more people. 这可以通过两种方式之一来实现, either by positioning a unified platform as the key to the unified experience or by implementing a hybrid platform that provides a unified application, but integrates with existing communications infrastructure. Both paths have their own pros and cons (more on those in the official report).

•站在障碍物前面. The top three barriers preventing enterprises from deploying or expanding UC solutions include internal politics, business case confusion and network concerns. Internal politics we covered briefly in an earlier blog, learning that inclusion of others can open the technology to debate or delays. Business case confusion relates to how difficult it can be to quantify expected returns. And network concerns come from discovering whether you have a technically current and properly sized network, or a network built for just email and content sharing – a proper assessment is a critical step prior to deploying new digital communications.

• 利用你的开发人员. Whether you are looking to integrate off-the-shelf UC solutions into existing business applications (CRM, ERP, etc.), 或者与CPaaS合作伙伴一起创建新的UC工具, your developers can provide a new return on their investment when applied broadly within your enterprise.

There’s so much happening in enterprise communications today, including rapid technology change along with constrained budgets, so the responsibility to support an enterprise in transition can be difficult. 斗争是真实的! Our hope is that this blog series has provided some of the necessary insights to help enterprises make an informed decision and achieve success when implementing the next great innovation.

一定要下载 完整的Wainhouse研究报告 点击这里并访问我们之前的博客文章 企业通信的历史, 关键技术趋势 以及主要的商业趋势.


Moussa Zaghdoud

Executive Vice President, Cloud Communication Business Division

穆萨·扎格杜德是彩虹的发明者, the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Cloud platform providing Hybrid Collaboration services and CPaaS. As Executive Vice-President of the 云通信 Business Division (CCBD), he is responsible for the end-to-end cloud strategy, 以及解决方案的定义, offer management, and business model definition for the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise cloud offers.

在加入ALE之前, Moussa founded two startups that provided cloud call center services and artificial intelligence-based predictive routing services to enterprises. Moussa is the Chairman of Sipwise and Advisory Board member in different companies.

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