Crisis management for campus safety: Top tips for CIOs



企业或组织中任何CIO的主要职责之一是确保基础设施为机构的应用程序和日常需求做好准备. 然而, if you’re the CIO of a university or higher ed institution, 你至少还有一项额外的责任:确保关键的危机管理工具在校园紧急情况下可用和可访问.

我最近遇到了凯文·凯莱赫——ICON语音网络公司的首席执行官,也是ALE的经销商和产品开发合作伙伴——我们聊了聊我们每次聚在一起都会谈论的一个永恒的主题:校园安全.  Kevin提到,他从高等教育的首席信息官那里听到的最关心的问题之一是如何管理和集成校园内的多种通信和IT网络资产 make students and faculty safer—essentially, how to respond more quickly and effectively in an emergency.

Aerial view of crowd for campus emergency blog post

These assets can range from video surveillance networks, voice communication systemsand alert notifications to sensor networks that detect intrusions, 火与烟. 在许多大学里, these systems have grown organically over time—department by department, building by building—without being integrated,and with no mechanism to centrally monitor or manage them. 另外, in most university environments, 所有这些关键的数据和通信都将跨越老龄化和不同的802.11 WiFi networks that also don’t have central management tools.

结果是, 大多数大学都有一个分散的通信和数据网络,作为其应急响应基础设施的基础. This IT hodgepodge creates the strong possibility of confusion, miscommunication and delay if a crisis does occur on campus. 可怕的!

In the face of these challenges, 一些高等教育管理人员部署了大规模通知系统,这也许不足为奇. These systems push out instantaneous notifications, usually in the form of SMS texts, 电子邮件, and phone or social media alerts.  这些通知允许大学官员向校园特定象限的学生和教师发出气体泄漏的警报, or contact the entire university community at once, as might be necessary to warn of impending severe weather or zombie apocalypse.

然而,创建一个“更安全的校园”与通过大规模通知来应对事件不同. You also need smart infrastructure in place that centrally monitors 物联网 security networks, and immediately alerts the right officials about emergency events. 与紧急第一响应者协调和协作的能力确保了迅速有效的反应:通过各种设备和不同模式(包括通过扬声器广播消息)向受影响群体发送警报和信息是危机管理和更安全校园的基础.

Police car for blog post on campus safety

为校园安全提供这种多管齐下的方法需要一个统一的通信平台,该平台采用人工智能(AI)来集成来自多个来源的数据和通信, 并协调多渠道警报,在正确的时间在正确的地点通知正确的人.

The key features of this smart infrastructure include:

•  Automated management of alarms and notifications from 物联网 sensor networks. On a typical university campus, sensor networks monitor a range of security and safety systems such as door locks, 运动探测器, 安全摄像头, 消防洒水装置, and thermometers in freezers—whatever you need  monitored, 可以被监控. When a sensor reading is out of parameter, an alert is automatically sent to the appropriate person or team.

•  A single dashboard that brings together all campus security data, 图片, 地图, alerts and communication interfaces. 所有相关数据的一体化视图允许安全官员监控所有信息和系统(包括视频监控)。, 提高响应能力.

•  The ability to monitor, listen to and record 911/112 emergency calls. Campus security officials can silently monitor, 监听并记录校园电话系统发出的紧急呼叫,以缩短响应时间.

•  The ability to coordinate and collaborate with first responders. 基于人工智能的统一通信危机管理平台可直接对接第三方应急响应系统, allowing campus officials to coordinate and collaborate with police, fire fighters or en-route emergency medical technicians. 校园官员可以通过分享所有相关信息来帮助确保第一响应者尽快到达紧急地点, 包括视频监控, 建筑布局图, and localized information from the security control panel dashboard.

•  Historical reporting and call recording for post incident analytics. 管理和安全人员可以回放和分析过去的紧急情况,并立即访问详细的呼叫和通信日志,以帮助制定最佳实践并改进未来的危机响应.

As my friend Kevin noted during our conversation, 危机管理的很大一部分是使您的资产协同工作以提供更好的体验并交付更大的价值的能力. 为首席信息官, 这意味着要考虑他们机构的数字通信环境,而不是像W局域网这样的独立组件, 局域网, IP电话, 以及楼宇管理, 而是作为一个协同的整体. This broader vision includes W局域网 BLE beacons providing location information; 局域网 equipment features that automatically protect the communications infrastructure from bandwidth starvation and cyberattack; IP电话 systems as a conduit for audio alerts; and environmental management systems in buildings as another tool to obtain early warnings about systemic problems.

For any CIO in a university setting, 将这些资产和系统整合在一起不仅仅是为了提高效率和便于管理:在紧急情况下, 使用基于人工智能的统一通信的危机管理平台必须每次都执行.

To learn more about digital transformation and campus safety, contact Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.



Global Sales Lead, 教育 Vertical

格雷格Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s 教育 vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 




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