
Greg Kovich
January 16, 2019

Raising awareness of a campus safety event is not a trivial task given the disparate sensors & 可能涉及的告警. 这需要一个综合的方法.

Have you ever said “If I knew then what I know now?”

当然有了! – probably dozens of times, and of course that desire is strongest in times of crisis.

让我们看看我们使用气象雷达的经验. Before doppler radar (NEXRAD) was introduced in the United States, the time between tornado prediction and land touchdown was 6 minutes. Doppler radar has not only increased that awareness warning to an average of 19 minutes, but included in those extra 13 minutes is much greater accuracy on the path of the storm. Doppler technology has proved invaluable in protecting life and property. 

We can take that lesson and apply it to campus safety and crisis management.

Traditional campus safety solutions have focused on mass notification. 这是任何危机的关键组成部分, but incorporating event awareness takes safety to the next level. After all, 你和你的团队越是事先警告, the more time you have to prepare and communicate safety instructions.

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Raising awareness of a campus safety event is not a trivial task given the disparate sensors and 可能涉及的告警. But, 类似于网络安全风险评估, your institution can identify the biggest risk and integrate those devices/sensors/events into a system that alerts key personnel.

For example, some devices/sensors are foundational to any campus safety solution, 包括火警, smoke detectors, 一氧化碳探测器, 天然气探测, 视频监控摄像机, 紧急呼叫(911或112), 大楼的门锁.

Integrating those sensors/alarms into a central platform that alerts maintenance, security, administration, and other key personnel with specific location and context information is critical to swiftly resolving the event. Property damage and impact to teaching and learning is minimized. Even more, on-site personnel can meet with arriving first responders and coordinate and collaborate on how best to handle the situation.

Imagine the following scenario – a CO monitor alarms (boiler for athletic center’s hot water has malfunctioned). 使用集成的感知解决方案, maintenance, security, and building management are instantly alerted about the high levels of carbon monoxide. Maintenance and security team members are mobilized. 他们很快就了解了这个问题, 在需要采取的步骤上进行合作, 与行政部门协调, and craft and disseminate the appropriate campus mass notification message.

Some institutions require more sophisticated device monitoring interfaces, such as refrigerator/freezer thermometers or even stadium metal detectors. Some may even want to expand awareness to the HVAC system or electricity supply from the utility company.

The good news is that Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise can help integrate all of these sensors/devices.

We view crisis management as three intertwined stages:  

1. Awareness

2. 与专业人士协调合作

3. Mass notification

We deliver solutions that support all three stages. They are fully integrated into a central control panel that also provides log files and an audit trail for post-event analysis and training.

Awareness of an event is the first step in providing a safe learning environment.

在随后的博客中, I’ll write about the two remaining stages – coordination and collaboration and mass notification.

If you’d like to learn more about our campus safety and crisis management solutions, 请访问播客链接, brochures, white papers, 客户参考, 以及思想领导力视频.

Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich


Greg Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s Education vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 

He is a 1992 graduate of Indiana University with over 20 yrs experience in Information Technology.

About the author

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