
Greg Kovich
April 20, 2023

校园里的心理健康问题已经达到了一个危机点. 学校必须超越传统的咨询服务来帮助学生和教师.

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Crisis on campus

In case you haven’t been paying attention, 校园的心理健康状况已经达到了危机的程度. 而学生们总是感到学业和社会压力, 我敢说额外的压力包括封锁, 远程学习和社会隔离已经堆积在现有的负担上,并将焦虑推向了一个新的水平.

And it’s not just the kids. “心理健康问题影响着各个年龄段的学生、家长和老师.“这种下降趋势也影响了学生完成学业的能力. Research suggests, “有心理健康问题的学生退学的可能性是其他学生的两倍. 许多人认为心理健康问题是他们停止学业的原因之一. Perhaps, 比辍学更糟糕的是对自己或他人的潜在伤害, as we’ve seen in Singapore for example, 心理健康问题导致学生在校园极端暴力.

A worldwide reality

Globally, it’s no better. In a recent 10-country survey, 76%的学生表示,保持健康是最大的挑战.”  As well, in several regions around the world, 自我诊断为焦虑和抑郁的学生人数达到了历史最高水平. For example:


• In Australia, 在健康危机期间滞留海外的国际学生中,有93%出现了严重的心理健康问题

• Throughout a number of Asian countries, 大多数在线用户报告说,疫情对他们的心理健康产生了负面影响

The severity, 这种情况的紧迫性和全球性迫使学术机构跳出思维定势, 寻求传统咨询之外的解决方案,帮助学生和教师应对当今火狐体育手机的现实.

New ways to support students

数字技术易于获取,易于在任何地方使用, anytime, whether students are on-campus, remote or some combination thereof, are required. 他们将为学生提供所需的全面支持服务奠定基础,使他们在整个学习过程中享有更好的心理健康和人身安全.

With the right strategy and solutions, 这些技术可以为心理健康提供一个生态系统,为以下方面提供新的机会:


• Connect to campus life and other students

•使教师主动接触学生,与他们互动, 鼓励参与,并找出那些在学术和个人上挣扎的人


• Help students feel their personal safety is protected


更少的压力意味着更少的疾病和更少的学习时间. 数字技术和以学生为中心的倡导服务所带来的积极体验和强大联系,为取得成功提供了所需的培育环境. 一个强大的支持系统,让学生有更好的机会留在学校,意味着他们可以获得学位,得到他们梦想的工作.

Check out our recent whitepaper focused on mental health on campus or learn more about how ALE education solutions 是否在帮助机构找到解决当今健康挑战的新方法.


Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich

Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

Greg Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic Education Continuity” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 


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